Thursday, April 22, 2010

First week of BBT5 in the books

And I have little to show for it but stories.  Ran into Quads, Ran into Quads, AK could not outlast AQ.  If the laws of variance hold up, I have already cashed in next week's events. 

We shall see...

In other news, I continue my "training" for the WSOP, trying to get in at least 1 SnG and 1 MTT a day.  Not easy, but I hope its time well invested.  Again, we shall see...


gadzooks64 said...

"If the laws of variance hold up, I have already cashed in next week's events."

Hahahahah! That totally made my day.

Hang in there, I'm sure it will turn around for you.

Unknown said...

lost for little a bit of fun.