Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I CaNt cOnCeNtRaTe!

I cant sit still, I cant think straight, and I am "seemingly" dealt K-Q-J2s every other hand. I cant just leave the screen alone and play.

I need advice!

QUESTION: What do you do before an online tournament starts to focus?!


Anonymous said...

Playing two at a time gives me enough to do so I can focus on poker and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I clasp my fingers, rest on my elbows, rest my chin on my hands and watch the screen, just watch and observe like it's a crime scene or watching the skies at night. Really, the world can fall apart around me and I'd only notice when I'm out of the game.

TanOrpheus said...

I go for a 5 minute walk around the block, eat a banana and then sit down with a coffee.