Sunday, February 05, 2006

no poker, broken toilet

So I did not play poker yesterday. I had a toilet that would fill a tank every 5 minutes and it was driving us crazy. I tried to fix the leak, which lead to a tank, which lead to a toilet. All in all, a wasted saturday. But I did learn to replace a toilet. So now I ask you... Who really cares that I am able to repalce a toilet? Sure, it turned out easier than I thought, and I was intimidated when I started, but in the end I did a fine job. Hmmm, sounds eerily familiar. I wonder if there is an analogy in there somewhere. Oh yes, GO STEELRES!!!


Quillspirit said...

I was able to squeeze a game in late last night, making it to the second session at my bar league... had a rough Sat. too - our electric furnace went out, and our gas stove had an empty tank - Doh! Haven't had to use it, and forgot to fill it up. Turned out it was only the thermostat on the electric, so was able to jimmy rig it for now, to keep the wife and baby daughter warm.

Shelly said...

Toilets scare me. Not using them, but fixing them. Eeek.