Friday, July 13, 2007

Fraser goes down!

Police investigating a report of a severed head in a parking lot have concluded that a man used an innovative method to end his own life.

According to the authorities, the man tied one end of a rope to a tree and then looped the other end around his own neck. Then he drove off in a car, which caused the rope to slice through his neck and cut off his head, which flew out the back of the car. Police found a suicide note inside the car.

And here now is the poker equivalent. Take a monster stack lead into the final table and finish 6th?!

Here is how I severed my own head:

Tight, tight play from the table, including me. But as I watched people pick off blinds (especially mine), I would try to time a steal. I went 0 for 5. ZERO. Just re-steals and re-raises and me with air...

Al and Jade double up, whilst I bleed and esacpe second best hands.

Full Tilt Poker Game #2930725821: Riverchasers Online Poker Tour (22093219), Table 6 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:04:06 ET - 2007/07/13
Seat 1: BuddyDank (19,565)
Seat 2: -o-LuckTruck-o- (10,805)
Seat 3: Blinders (27,188)
Seat 4: kazor (6,874)
Seat 5: tmcmenamin1 (9,790)
Seat 6: columbo (16,597)
Seat 7: AlCantHang (31,115)
Seat 8: jade2002 (37,066)
antes 200
columbo posts the small blind of 800
AlCantHang posts the big blind of 1,600
The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to columbo [? ?]
jade2002 folds
BuddyDank folds
-o-LuckTruck-o- raises to 10,605, and is all in
Blinders calls 10,605
kazor folds
AlCantHang: captiain overbet
tmcmenamin1 folds
columbo has 15 seconds left to act
columbo has requested TIME
columbo: dammit blinders
Blinders: yuor priced in
columbo folds <= I am still thinking about this fold...
What CAN I call with here? I have 16k in chips, its 800 lost to fold.

Could you make this call with JJ? KK? How about AKs?

AlCantHang folds
-o-LuckTruck-o- shows [As Tc]
Blinders shows [Qc Qh]
*** FLOP *** [7h 9s Kd]
*** TURN *** [7h 9s Kd] [Jh]
*** RIVER *** [7h 9s Kd Jh] [2h]
-o-LuckTruck-o- shows Ace King high
Blinders shows a pair of Queens
Blinders wins the pot (25,210) with a pair of Queens
-o-LuckTruck-o- stands up

(I had AKs) Am I tilting now? Maybe...
This makes me the short stack when Seat 4 and seat 5 go out and pop the money bubble for me.

and then Frashier goes down...

Full Tilt Poker Game #2930790848: Riverchasers Online Poker Tour (22093219), Table 6 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:10:34 ET - 2007/07/13
Seat 1: BuddyDank (20,039)
Seat 3: Blinders (41,793)
Seat 5: tmcmenamin1 (21,790)
Seat 6: columbo (12,797)
Seat 7: AlCantHang (25,915)
Seat 8: jade2002 (36,666)
antes 200
columbo posts the small blind of 800 <==again, the SB is my nemesis. Learn something columbo!

AlCantHang posts the big blind of 1,600
The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to columbo [Js 7s]
jade2002 folds
BuddyDank folds
Blinders folds
tmcmenamin1 folds
columbo calls 800
AlCantHang has 15 seconds left to act
AlCantHang checks

hey, free flop! alright!
*** FLOP *** [6c 9s 6s]
columbo has 15 seconds left to act
I have An over and a live scare card, plus a flush draw. I figure Al either missed the flop (66%) or hit a pair (30%) that would require him to make a big bet if I check.

columbo bets 10,997, and is all in <== I think this is a good move. COMMENTS?

AlCantHang calls 10,997
columbo shows [Js 7s]
AlCantHang shows [Th 6d] TRIPS? ARGH

But I am only a 2-1 dog!!

*** TURN *** [6c 9s 6s] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [6c 9s 6s 6h] [Kd]
columbo shows three of a kind, Sixes
AlCantHang shows four of a kind, Sixes
AlCantHang wins the pot (26,394) with four of a kind, Sixes
columbo stands up
IGHN. Bubble casher.


Mike Maloney said...

Okay, first hand, I call there only with KK or AA. It's all about context. This is Blinders we're dealing with. And this isn't Blinders pushing, this is Blinders flat out calling an overbet all-in push. So he's already a pretty tight player as it is, the fact that he's willing to straight up call this immediately puts his range on AA-QQ, and maybe, maybe AKs or JJ, but I seriously doubt it. So, with a hand like AK, you are at best in a race against JJ or QQ. However, there is a strong possibility you are freerolling against AK, getting dominated by KK, or getting destroyed by AA. Easy fold there, in my opinion. You can only call with AA or KK.

As far as hand #2, I don't think I hate the play. The chance of him hitting trips is very small, so your thought process is right in that even if he hit a pair, you still have 12 outs twice. And you know he has to have hit the flop or have an overpair (unlikely) to call you. You have a good drawing hand, you have a small stack, I like the push. Al just got lucky and flopped a set, not much you can do about that in the situation.

osinsh said...


Not bad at all. Keep in mind, I don't know how are you guys playing, but from one point your shove looks like fear to fold, if he pushes. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Interesting hand with the QQ smooth call. I have some breif thoughts in my blog. I had just pushed over an open raise the hand before and then get QQ. With the 10k open I am pushing or calling for sure especially after pushing the very hand before. I normally would push that, and there were lots to act behind. I had enough chips to get away from an Ace flop still, but close to pot committed. I am not wanting AKs to call behind (maybe want it knowing the other hand has an Ace). The smooth call from me actually looks stronger than the push beleive it or not. Its the advantage of being me, I get respect for my tightness.

So in your situation, that is a tough fold, but not unreasonable. AKs is a great 3-way hand, but not if one of them is AA or KK. If I were you, I would have put my range as AK or AA-QQ. I smooth call the 10k open with AK for sure there, as I want a 3-way pot. I also smooth call AA and KK, but QQ was a bit iffy. I probably push that 75% of the time and call 25%. I think if you run the numbers, and assume that the inital pusher likely has a PP you probably made the right play. Of course when the K flops you are kicking yourself.