I played a 1 table 6max SnG last night, a HORSE SnG, the Mookie and the Dookie. What did they all have in common. I did poorly in each. Heck, only a suckout propelled me to 14th in the Mookie.
This morning I am discouraged and feel as though I have no "A" game.
When this feeling comes over you, what is the best way to "reset"?
Heavy Drinking and loose women.
I watch you play and feel better.. um, that may not work for you..
Man, do I know that feeling. A game, B game, I just don't get it. If you find an answer let me know. For me lately, the doom has gotten to the point that I assume I'll lose when my pocket pairs hit the set on the flop. FUD.
I usually have a couple of options. One is to take a break (Like a week or so), and just don't play anything. You usually feel a lot more refreshed and focused when you sit down.
Something else that I find has helped me a lot is writing about how I'm playing. I mean sit down, do a lot of analysis about what's going well for you, what's not, and just get it all out there. Go as in depth as you can. I really learn a lot about how I'm playing, and it opens up this ability to re-focus on what it means to play well. It's a very rejuvenating experience, I've found.
Go with Waffles' idea. Watch me play and feel better. D-game in action.
I'm finding that even my preflop raises get no respect anymore. 8 strangers, play 2 hands in an hour and get reraised on both. Fold or donkey-push? Doesn't matter.
Seriously, if you come up with something, please share.
When I am off my A game I play a cheap SNG and try to tilt people.
Or I find a craps table.
Change games. Play some limit O8 or something else. The change of games will force you to focus more on your decisions and 'reset' mentally how you think when playing poker.
Look over your hand histories to see where the mistakes are coming from. Play a different site to get a new vibe. I've taken a break from Full-tilt as I am playing like crap on-line lately too. My hand histories showed just how donkalicious I had been. Ugh!
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